
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

OK... in the real word there are all kinds of people. I know this. Some are good some are A-HOLES. YES a bad word. I have been dealing with people who will not pay what they owe. People who cheat and lie... HOW THE F-ING-A am I suppose paint. It is a creative process. One that requires ... HAPPINESS or at the very least!!! some sort of control? I have tried to paint out anger... it just scared the shit out of me... It didn't release the annexed or the tension.. it just cause more. Sorry, some psychologist I don't know? but it didn't.... I need happiness or contentment to paint.. yes,,,, YES pretty pictures. Is that a crime. I like flowers and pretty pictures... its what makes me happy. I don't do DARK. Sue me.!
Ok,,,, I hope you are all having a nice day... sorry about the rant. but.. it must be out in the either!