
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

working on drawing for w/c
I am doing two different pictures for my grand children.. I haven't been working on it lately, trying to get up the creative umph… ha… the drawing is a little ruff yet, but its getting there.

Friday, April 18, 2014

OK I did finally finish the wedding painting, the bride and groom loved their boat

I have been teaching an Illustrated Journaling class… the content is a little squishy, we just go where the energy takes us, everyone seems to enjoy and have signed up for second class… so yea me...

And as I said…  busy with all this cuteness…. OMG
NOTHING is like being a Grandma… love love love it.

I havent posted because I am a GRANDMA… and have been playing with my grandbaby and sewing her cloths… I haven't posted my demo's and I should… Im going to see if I can figure out a way to do it mobiely?!  I have Apple so… may not work with this blog…

Ok for my watercolor students these are my colors and how they are arranged on my pallet. They do change on occasion but basically this is it…